How do I log in for the first time?
Your organization will send you an invite to Retain through your employee email. Once you click on this link, your email will be automatically entered on the Retain log-in page. Pick a secure password to finish setting up your Retain user account. To prevent unauthorized access and to secure sensitive employee information, Retain doesn’t have a generic “create an account” page.
If you need to become a user in Retain and you don’t have access, ask your Pinnacle account manager or the Retain manager in your organization for an invite. ( Managers and Respondents has an explanation of the difference between a manager account and respondent profile.)

Go to the Retain log-in page.

Fill out your email address and secure password.

Click “Remember Me” if you want Retain to remember your email address and password. Don’t click this box if you are using a public computer.

Click “login.”