Quick Start with Retain

Be ready to use Retain in just a few minutes.

Frontline managers are some of the busiest people we know, so we made it super easy to use Retain, which:

  • Sends surveys to new hires
  • Identifies employees at risk of quitting
  • Prompts managers to check in with staff
  • Tracks birthdays and work anniversaries
  • Drops individual turnovers by half

We also offer an open virtual meeting where you can join us for a Q and A session. Register here.

Register for Retain.

Watch this News Feed Introduction video (it’s less than two minutes long!).

Check your computer settings to make sure you can send email messages to employees from Retain.

Read the rest of this article. 

The news feed

The news feed is Retain’s central command. Your news feed will keep you up to date on events and suggest an action to take.

Introduce yourself and welcome the new hire.

Comment on surveys as they come in. Note that you’ve seen it, tag other managers, and mention what you’ll do to celebrate or improve on survey results.

Check in with the employee directly. Provide support and resources as needed.

Celebrate with the employee!

Manager's daily routine

Stay on top of events in real time by spending a few minutes daily on a routine.

When an employee joins your organization

More questions? Explore FAQ from employees who take surveys and FAQ from managers who use the Retain software.

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